4 min read

20 Easy And Quick Ways To Relax

Stressed out? We’re here to help out! Anxiety seems to be an obligatory companion of modern lifestyle, perhaps now more than ever. Therefore it’s crucial to escape it and decompress. Incorporate these simple techniques into your daily routine to bring calmness and well-being into your life. Certainly try them out and find out which ones work best for you. So next time when you’re feeling a bit stressed, you’ll know what to do.

1. Breathe

This comes as no surprise but breathing exercises are a staple of relaxing. Just taking a couple of deep breaths while keeping your eyes closed can do wonders. 

2. Write

Whenever you feel down, making a short list with a couple of minor tasks really helps. But you can do more than that - write down your thoughts and feelings or, if you’re particularly feeling the blues, write down a few things you feel grateful for. This small list of gratitude is an instant mood booster!

3. Grab a warm drink

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or just a simple cup of warm milk can make you feel cozier and calmer. Sip on it somewhere comfortable for the ultimate calming experience!

4. Satisfy your sweet tooth

Release those endorphins with some dark chocolate, a bit of honey or some of your favorite fruit. Everyone knows that snacking on something sweet always makes you feel better.

5. Enjoy some sunshine

The sun also releases our happy hormones and you don’t even have to go outside. Relax on a balcony or chill by the window and let those rays of sunshine do their magic.

6. Laugh it out

We all heard that laughter is the best medicine. So what are you waiting for? Watch your favorite funny video and laugh all your worries away!

7. Play your tunes

Listening to music instantly enhances our mood. It causes the brain to release dopamine, a feel-good chemical. Crank up the volume and let the song soak up all your negative feels!

8. Meditate

Meditating, even for just a couple of minutes, releases stress and anxiety. Firstly, find a comfortable position and relax your body. Secondly, focus on your breathing. Thirdly, when your mind starts to wander try to focus on your breathing. Finally, do this for a few minutes and feel the worry leave your body.

9. Organize

Getting rid of clutter is a great destresser. Organizing your workspace, one of your drawers, your bag or your makeup collection takes just a couple of minutes but it could make your whole day!

10. Massage the tension away

girl using eye massager iris A great way to relax is to pamper yourself with a massage. A simple scalp or hand massage is often proved to be miraculous. Additionally, rolling a tennis ball under your feet is a great idea for a quick foot massage. For a super-beneficial lymphatic eye massage use the IRIS Eye Massager.

11. Cuddle

A warm hug is a reliable way to brighten up anyone’s day. Cuddle with your partner or your pet, or your favorite pillow or blanket! If you have extra time, snuggle up to a good book - that always helps!

12. Take a nap

Feeling overwhelmed? Have you tried turning yourself on and off again? Taking a nap can provide a much-deserved break on those days when you really need it.

13. Dance

We know music makes us feel better - but dancing takes it to another level! Swing those hips, loosen up and dance your worries away.

14. Paint

Unleashing your inner artist gives your mind a chance to focus on something cool and creative. Even if you only have a couple of minutes for some quick doodles - go for it! Art therapy is miraculously effective.

15. Self-care with skincare

One of the best ways to relax is to pamper yourself and put on a face mask! Get the professional spa treatment at home by trying one of the UFO devices. Not only do they get the most out of face masks, but they also offer LED therapy too! Using different wavelengths of light to treat different skin problems may sound like science fiction but in reality these are science-facts!

16. Visualize your happy place

Forming a mental image of something that makes us truly happy is always a good idea. It doesn’t matter if you’re imagining your plans or your favorite dessert. The important thing is the mental ability to travel to that happy place when you’re feeling down.

17. Exercise

Working out increases heart rate and pumps oxygen to the brain. But what if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands? Try a high intensity interval training!

18. Tease your brain

Exercising your body is a great idea, but don’t forget about your mind. Try crosswords, puzzles, sudoku, solitaire and other brain teasers to keep your mind in top shape!

19. Give yourself a pep talk

If you feel unmotivated, perk up with a little pep talk in front of the mirror. Get courageous and enthusiastic - it may feel silly at first but you’ll feel the confidence kicking in fast!

20. Do something nice for someone else

A small act of kindness goes a long way. Text some loving words to your parents or grandparents, help out your neighbors or prepare a special meal for your family. There are millions of nice things you can do for someone else. And every single one of them will make you feel better too! Help someone else right now - tell us your favorite ways to relax in the comments and we’ll be grateful forever! ❤️



MYSA user avatar
Terri Lee 21/04/2020

My favorite way to relax is making a pot of loose leaf tea and sipping it from one of my pretty teacups that belonged to my mother and grandmother. I sit at my bistro table reading the Bible, cookbooks,, or craft books. .

MYSA user avatar
FOREO 23/04/2020

In reply to by Terri Lee


Sounds so nice Terri! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

MYSA user avatar
Leeanna Kanbar 22/04/2020

I’m so disappointed with your company and how they handled my defective toothbrush that was under warranty . They wanted me to send it all back and that was a fortune ,to do .In return get a 50 % coupon . When I was on your website they were offering every customer 50% off. I’m in the medical field and believe in healthy hyigene . I got you many customers and this is what they want their costumers with a defective item . to do really”? I’m asking you to do what’s right. I don’t even care what color it is along as it’s new and not refurbished
Leeanna Kanbarl4

MYSA user avatar
FOREO 23/04/2020

In reply to by Leeanna Kanbar


Hi Leeanna, we are so sorry to hear you feel this way. Please note that we do not offer all the customers 50% codes. If you received a 50% means that you were under your 10-year warranty process which is our procedure if the customer purchased their device more than 2 years ago.


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