1 min read

Brightening Smiles for Autism on World Smile Day

FOREO Family meet with SCAU for World Smile Day, Autism and ISSA play
We can't stop smiling! Did you celebrate? In case you missed World Smile Day on 5 October, here’s a little something sure to make you beam! As a brand that’s all about spreading happiness, we were delighted to announce the launch of what’s set to be a rewarding partnership all round. Say hello to not-for-profit organization, Save Children with Autism Uganda (SCAU)! A squad of influencers representing the FOREO Family traveled to Uganda, East Africa, last month. They were there to learn about SCAU’s incredible work, and distribute some very special gifts to our new young friends: these fun Mr. M tees, plus ISSA play toothbrushes for all! SCAU does a fantastic job of supporting young people with autism and their families, as well as educating communities on interventions and management to empower individuals to thrive! Ahead of World Smile Day, the FOREO Family had the honor of meeting the organization’s founders, and some of the youngsters with whom they work. As you can see, there were smiles all round! We were especially pleased to see how the children themselves took to our ISSA toothbrushes. We know that individuals with autism may experience sensory sensitivity issues, and last year, heard from a young woman whose sensory coping habits had been transformed by our sonic silicone brush. Watch this space for more details of how FOREO will be brightening smiles for autism. And however you celebrated World Smile Day, continue spreading the love… starting with these gorgeous photos from Uganda! https://www.instagram.com/p/Boj2-pRn9_f/?taken-by=foreo

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