1 min read

Dealing with Peeling: How to Recover from a Summer Sunburn

So you got a sunburn... We’ll spare you the SPF spiel and get down to business - how to treat peeling skin. First, it’s important to understand that the peeling process is your body’s way of healing your sun-damaged epidermis. So even though it can be grossly entertaining, try to resist the urge to pull your peeling skin off, and let nature take its course. In the meantime, you can try one of these ways to help speed things along:  

Cold Shower

Besides soothing the itchiness that accompanies sunburn recovery, a nice cold shower can help slow down the peeling process. If you can’t stand the cold, lukewarm water will suffice - just avoid cranking up the heat too far, as it may dry out your skin even more. And remember to pat skin dry - no rubbing allowed.  


Proper hydration is important for healthy skin in general, but especially after a sunburn. Your skin is extra thirsty, so help things along by hydrating from within with at least 8 glasses of the clear stuff every day. If you’re not keen on guzzling gallons of water, here are a few tips to up your intake.  

Olive Oil

Make like Rachel Ray and grab your EVOO. It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of great skincare ingredients, but olive oil contains essential fatty acids that are extra-nourishing and help to replenish dry skin. Warm a few drops in the palm of your hands, and apply to any areas that are peeling.  


Whether or not you’ve actually ever put cucumber slices over your eyes, you’re likely aware that it’s a thing. Being that cucumber is both hydrating and cooling, it’s just as good for peeling skin as it is for puffy eyes. Try grating up a whole cucumber and applying to the affected area for 15 minutes before rinsing off.   And while you’re patiently waiting for peeling skin to slough off on its own, remember to keep it covered! The new skin underneath is more sensitive to UV damage, so cover up with clothes or  slather on the sunscreen. Sorry! Had to say it.

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