2 min read

Review: UFO mini Supercharged Facial Treatment Lives Up to Big Expectations

Valentine's gift guide
Because mini is simply a state of mind.   The latest Supercharged 2-minute Facial to hit the shelves, UFO mini, is a larger-than-life device with a range of skin-perfecting technologies inside. Revolutionizing the way skincare is percieved, UFO mini can completely transform your complexion in only 90 seconds with the help of hyper-infusion technology. Read on to discover why UFO mini just might be your next future obsession!  

What is UFO mini & How is it Different from UFO?

UFO mini provides a spa‑worthy facial treatment in only 90 seconds by using innovative beauty-tech to ensure you get the most from your skincare. UFO mini features all the same benefits as UFO minus the Cryo-Therapy, or cooling function. This means you get Thermo-Therapy and T-Sonic pulsations plus RGB LED light therapy to give you the skin of your dreams in less than two minutes. For such innovative technology all wrapped up into one device, you’ll be happy to know that another big difference between UFO and UFO mini is the price. UFO mini is much more wallet-friendly than UFO!

What Comes With UFO mini?

Similar to UFO, UFO mini comes in a translucent plastic case with instructions on the back. Tucked inside is a Make My Day UFO Activated Mask to get you started, a plastic stand to display your device, and a USB charging cord. UFO Activated Masks are designed exclusively for use with UFO and UFO mini. The Korean mask formulas clip perfectly onto the device and allow UFO mini to effortlessly glide across your skin, making sure that every inch of your face gets some essence. When purchasing a UFO Activated Mask, make sure to look on the label to see if it’s compatible with UFO mini. As UFO mini does not feature Cryo-Therapy, some treatment routines will not sync with the device. However, if you’re not a fan of cooling on your face, then this shouldn’t be a problem!

How to Use UFO mini

Using UFO mini is simple: you simply remove your UFO Activated Mask from the sachet, clip it onto the device and then press and hold the universal button to pair the device with your phone. On the FOREO app you can sync the device to the pre-programmed treatment routine that corresponds with your mask and then the treatment will automatically start when you are ready. During the treatment, slowly massage the mask formula into your skin while the device works its magic for 90 seconds. But the best part is that you can completely customize your treatments and curate your facials using the settings you love the most!

Why I love UFO mini

UFO mini is the perfect travel-sized beauty companion. Whether I’m at home getting ready in a hurry, or on the go, UFO mini lets me enjoy a flawless facial treatment in a fraction of the time. Sure, it’s pricy. But, is it worth it? Absolutely!  

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