1 min read

How to Sweat Proof Your Look in 5 Steps

Summer’s not all beach vacations and poolside lounging. You need to stay sweat-proof through that Monday meeting, too. Summertime affords us longer days filled with good times in the great outdoors, but it also brings sizzling temperatures hell-bent on melting your face off. Arriving to work looking like a drowned rat is no way to go through the summer months, but a few tweaks to your beauty routine can keep you fresh as a daisy all through the sweaty days still to come.

1. Put a Little Prep in Your Steps

Before you even think about summer makeup, you’ll want to start with a clean face. LUNA go is your go-to for glowing summer skin, removing anything that might get in the way of a flawless finish. Makeup application in the summer months should start with a makeup primer and end with makeup setting spray --these will help keep your favorite foundation in place, even if your commute involves journeying across the actual sun.

2. Switch Things Up

Despite what you might have heard on GoT, winter is not here. As seasons change, so should your cosmetic line-up. Opt for long-wear makeup formulas that can withstand the heat and consider switching to a shampoo for oily hair. Pair your sweat proof foundation with a summer-friendly hairstyle to keep cool when out of AC range.

3. Be Prepared

You never know when sweat - or shine- may strike, so stay ahead of the game by carrying deodorant and oil blotting sheets with you. Should perspiration start to pour, don’t use your bacteria-laden hands to wipe it off--stash a cut-up paper towel in your purse and dab the sweat from your brow. Or, be an eco-friendly southern belle and invest in a handkerchief.

4. Hydrate like a Motherf*$#er

Probably the most important of all summer beauty tips--hydration! Although the air may be humid, your skin is losing a lot of moisture through sweat. Combat dry skin with a lightweight gel moisturizer and hydrate from within with lots of H2O.

5. Show Your Skin Some TLC

We usually associate a carefully-crafted skincare routine with harsh winter weather, but your skin needs some summer lovin’ too --all that sweating can clog pores and cause breakouts. Summer skin care should include a consistent cleansing routine and a strategy for dealing with pimples, like the ESPADA emergency escape plan. Zap zits in minutes and get back to planning your next beach getaway.

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