2 min read

Finally, a Smart Home Assistant that Can Offer a Little Extra Emotional Support

Sometimes you just need to be told ‘Chin up, Champ!’ Hot on the heels of the release of the ISSA 2 line, FOREO has an exciting new smart-product made especially for those who want - and need - something a little more from their oral care: ISSALEXA. You can now personalize your very own ISSALEXA online at foreo.com by keying in the unique product number and registering your name so your device can be activated via remote technology. Those looking for a more personalized toothbrush can take the short questionnaire which will also be programmed and enhance the intelligence of your very own ISSALEXA as well as syncing your calendar so the ISSALEXA knows your social plans.

Why does your toothbrush need to know about your social life? Well, because it’s able to tell you, for example, if you are way too stressed out to handle dinner with your boyfriend’s parents.

By testing your saliva, ISSALEXA can assess your emotional mood, and offer the appropriate encouragement and support. For example, when people are displaying stress, anxiety and nerves, the mouth becomes abnormally dry (known as Xerostomia). ISSALEXA can detect and offer words of encouragement such as ‘Take it easy today John. You work to live, not live to work’ and ‘Remember to chill today Brian. Life is what you make it’. Feeling emotionally sensitive? ISSALEXA will sense the uptick in cortisol and tell you, ‘Chin Up Beautiful - things aren’t that bad’, or ‘Always look to yourself for guidance Jane’. Says Paul Peros, CEO of FOREO International:
“We were founded on innovation and it is at the very heart of everything we do from our R&D Institute in Sweden. All of our products combine technology and innovation and we are now taking that to the next level in the beauty landscape by adding artificial intelligence and speech technology to our newest products. This brings the very best of oral care devices as well as offering our customers the added extra of no hold barred emotional support when it is detected that they need a boost.”
Self-care and emotional support come in many forms, from spa days to meditation exercises to stitch n’ bitch sewing sessions with your friends, but we can’t always access these coping techniques whenever we want. That’s what makes the portable and ultra-hygienic ISSALEXA so ideal - unlike an emotional support peacock, it’s perfect for air travel, with an impressive 365-day charge. And, at the end of the day (and in the morning too, because ennui isn’t an excuse for covering your morning breath with coffee) we could all really use someone who will just let us know that it’s going to be okay. Maybe help us keep things in perspective a little bit, by reminding us that tomorrow’s another day. Because hey, even if the future isn’t looking so bright, your smile can.

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