2 min read
Get Active! Why Winter Workouts Matter
‘Tis the Season for Staying Fit
Making time to workout at this time of year is so important. Winter blues are real, making that rush of endorphins you get from exercise - or a sunshiney dose of vitamin D if you’re able to get outside during daylight hours - a real boost during colder months. With schools and offices a known hotbed for germs, regular exercise bolsters your immune system to keep seasonal colds and flus at bay. It keeps you toasty and warm, and can help maintain a healthy body weight - without compromising on all those delicious seasonal eats! With that in mind, here are three ways to keep moving, and get motivated…Feel ‘Appy!

Get Out!
Assuming sidewalks aren’t icy (or covered in snow), there’s no reason not to get out there for a brisk 20-minute jog before work. The trick, however, is to be prepared! That starts the night before: promising yourself not to hit snooze on your alarm, and laying out your running kit so you’re all ready to hit the pavement before you have time to talk yourself out of it! Thin, moisture-wicking layers are your friend here. Because body heat escapes through your hands, feet and head, grab some mittens or gloves, a hat - and if your running shoes allow, a second pair of socks.Stretch it Out

Get the Glow

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