1 min read

Beauty Brands Take On Coronavirus

The beauty industry joins the fight against the coronavirus. Life can be a bit hectic sometimes and the last few weeks are no exception. Coronavirus is quickly spreading and leaving serious consequences on people’s lives across the world. We’re battling the pandemic the best way we can - lock downs, self-isolation etc. Above all, people are coming together and helping each other more than ever before.

Beauty brands are stepping up

Beauty brands are doing their part too. They’re shutting down stores to help slowdown the spread, raising awareness and, most importantly, helping those who are impacted. Some are donating parts of their sales to various charities. Others are even producing hand sanitizers and surgical masks in their factories. Either way, we are very grateful for all the help we can get. 

Impressive Donations

Numerous beauty brands are fully dedicated to helping those in need. For example, Pacific Shaving Company is donating a whopping 100% of their online sales to the CDC Foundation. And they’re not the only ones. Lipslut, a brand known for their political activism and fight for women’s rights, will also donate all of their earnings to organizations that help those affected by COVID-19.  https://www.instagram.com/p/B90F5LZHYsE/ Thrive Causemetics will be donating 100% of its online sales to organizations providing meals and resources to communities in need - Meals On Wheels and Feeding America. Likewise, tattoo artist Dr. Woo is launching his skin-care brand WOO early to donate all profits of the Daily Gentle Soap to Baby2Baby https://www.instagram.com/p/B-LRNqcJULP/

Production of medical supplies

The biggest players in the game - L’Oreal, Coty Inc. and LVMH - are using their production sites to manufacture and distribute hydro-alcoholic gel free of charge to medical services and public authorities.  https://www.instagram.com/p/B962nr_oJ6i/

Something for the mind and soul

Smaller brands are trying to find creative ways to help. Beekman 1802 is a beauty brand known for its goat farm and organic goat-milk products. They are on a mission to bring some baby goat joy into our lives. If you’re feeling a bit down, tune in to their goat nursery. You can hang out with these cuties 24/7! Remember to take care and talk to us in the comments <3

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