1 min read

It's DIY Time: Home Decor Ideas

Spending a lot of time at home? Redecorate it and make it your own! It’s time to make your home feel even home-ier! Personalize your living space or redecorate it with these simple tips and tricks. 

Frame it ‘till you make it

Cool pictures of your friends and family, travel adventures or cute pets? Don’t let them collect dust in your drawers. Frame them! Kid art, a menu from your favorite restaurant or festival tickets? Frame it! Dry flowers, postcards, album covers - art is everywhere around you. Make your apartment feel like a modern art gallery and display the things you love. Coolness points for the most creative exhibits are guaranteed!

Hang it up

Art isn’t the only thing you can hang up on walls. Hanging things up is a great storage solution and pleasing to the eye as well! All true hipsters already own a magnetic knife rack in the kitchen - cool and convenient. A large collection of sunglasses? Hang them up on a string on your closet doors! A lot of jewelry? Hang it up on a piece of cardboard or cork.

Hot glue to the rescue

You can spice-up almost anything with a little help from a friend - your hot glue gun. Reinvent an old pillow by hot-gluing pom-poms at its edges. Revive an old picture frame or mirror by gluing pearls around it. Bedazzle anything if you’re into sparkly things! If you’re more into the boho vibe - hot-glue jute rope around a vase or old cups for that bohemian chic look.

Repurpose, repaint, replant

Let your imagination run loose! Repaint old furniture for extra oomph. Use an old wooden crate as a bedside table. Turn a glass bottle into a vase or a candle holder. One of the most beautiful ways to enrich your living space is with plants. Grow your plant collection with plant propagation We hope you found some inspiration for your DIY projects at home! What are your favorite DIY tips and tricks? Any decorating hacks you love and we might have missed? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! 



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