7 min read

Living With Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention

Hands applying a hand cream

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales. It can occur anywhere on the body but is most common on the elbows, knees, and scalp. While there is no known cure for psoriasis, there are treatments available that can help control its symptoms. In this post, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, but also some tips and tricks on how to treat psoriasis. 

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes red, scaly patches on your skin. In people with psoriasis, new skin cells are produced at a rate of about 10 times faster than normal. This shedding of old skin cells and production of new ones results in the formation of patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales.

What causes psoriasis?

The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is believed to be related to an overactive immune system. In people with psoriasis, the immune system attacks healthy skin cells as if they were harmful invaders. This triggers the production of new skin cells, which leads to the formation of patches of thick, red skin.

Who gets psoriasis?

Psoriasis can affect people of any age, but it is most common in adults. It is also more common in women than men.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

The symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person. Some people may only have a few patches of skin affected, while others may have widespread psoriasis that covers a large area of their body. The most common symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • Red, scaly patches of skin
  • Itching or burning sensations in the affected areas
  • Plaques of thick red skin that are often covered with silvery scales
  • Swollen and painful joints
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed

What is scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that affects the scalp. It can cause red, scaly patches on the scalp that may spread to the forehead, back of the neck, or behind the ears. Scalp psoriasis can also cause hair loss.

What is guttate psoriasis?

Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that causes small, teardrop-shaped patches of skin to develop. It is the most common type of psoriasis in children and usually develops within the first few years of life.

What is reverse psoriasis?

Reverse psoriasis is a rare type of psoriasis that causes the skin on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet to become thick and scaly.

What is nail psoriasis?

Nail psoriasis is a condition that causes the nails to become thick, pitted, and discolored. It can be a very mild form of psoriasis, or it may be more severe and affect many of the nails on your hands or feet.

What is erythrodermic psoriasis?

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare and severe form of psoriasis that can cause the skin to become red, inflamed, and peel off in large sheets. It can be very painful and uncomfortable, and it can also lead to serious health problems such as dehydration, infections, and heart failure.

What is pustular psoriasis?

Pustular psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that causes small pus-filled blisters to develop on the skin. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, and it can also lead to serious health problems such as dehydration, infections, and heart failure.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

A doctor can usually diagnose psoriasis by looking at the symptoms. In some cases, a skin biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Psoriasis misdiagnosis

Eczema vs. psoriasis

Many people with psoriasis are often mistaken for having eczema. The two conditions look very similar, but there are some key differences:

  • Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, while eczema is not
  • Eczema usually affects the skin on the face, hands, and feet, while psoriasis usually affects the skin on the elbows, knees, and scalp
  • Psoriasis is characterized by red, scaly patches of skin, while eczema is characterized by dry, flaky, or scaly skin
  • Eczema is more common in children than adults, while psoriasis can affect people of any age

Seborrheic dermatitis vs. psoriasis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a rash that causes the skin to be red, itchy, and covered in scales. Psoriasis is a condition that causes the skin to be red, scaly, and covered in silvery scales. The two conditions are treated differently, and it is important to get a correct diagnosis from a doctor.

Mycosis fungoides vs. psoriasis

Mycosis fungoides usually affects the skin on the face, neck, and trunk. Psoriasis usually affects the skin on the elbows, knees, and scalp. Mycosis fungoides is treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, while psoriasis is treated with topical creams and oral medications. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-cjYe8C9LU

How to treat psoriasis?

Psoriasis cannot be cured, but the inflammation can be treated to relieve symptoms and make it go away faster.

Medical treatments for psoriasis

Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids

These drugs reduce inflammation. They come in the form of creams, ointments, or injections.


It is an oily, sticky substance that can be applied topically as an ointment or cream to the affected area. The active ingredients in this product are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory which makes it beneficial for treating many different types of pain.


These are drugs that are derived from vitamin A. They can help to reduce the inflammation and swelling of psoriasis.

Calcineurin inhibitors

These drugs work by suppressing the immune system. They are usually used for people who cannot tolerate other treatments.

Vitamin D3 analogues

These drugs mimic the action of vitamin D3 and can help to reduce the inflammation of psoriasis.


There are a number of shampoos that can be used to treat psoriasis. These shampoos contain active ingredients that can help to reduce the inflammation and scaling of psoriasis.


This is a treatment that uses ultraviolet light to help reduce the inflammation of psoriasis. https://www.foreo.com/mysa/led-light-therapy-quiz/


This is a drug that is used to prevent the rejection of organ transplants. It can also be used to treat psoriasis by suppressing the immune system.


It can help on two levels. First, to limit the manifestations of psoriasis which can be triggered in the event of intense stress or following emotional shocks. Second, a psychologist can help so you can better accept this skin condition.

Use natural ingredients to treat psoriasis

The sun

Even though you have to be really careful when it comes to sun exposure, sunlight can actually help to improve the symptoms of psoriasis. Also, before going to "sun therapy", don't forget to use your SPF!

Sea salt bath

You can treat psoriasis with salt, especially sea salt. Namely, this type of salt is rich in magnesium, which can help to reduce the inflammation of psoriasis.

Essential oils

There are a number of essential oils that can be used to treat psoriasis. Mix one drop of chamomile essential oil with one drop of calendula essential oil and one drop of burdock essential oil. Add a tablespoon of apricot oil and apply it to your psoriasis daily. [caption id="attachment_11517" align="aligncenter" width="814"] A mix of chamomile essential oil, calendula essential oil. and burdock essential oil is a great remedy for psoriasis.[/caption]

Aloe vera

This plant is known for its healing properties. It can be used to soothe the skin and help to reduce the inflammation of psoriasis. Choose a pure formula and gently brush the affected area.


This spice has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the inflammation of psoriasis. Depending on the extent of your psoriasis, mix a few tablespoons of turmeric with a little water to form a paste that you apply to the area to be treated.

Apple cider vinegar

This vinegar can be used to treat a number of different conditions because it is rich in antioxidants and minerals. It can help to reduce the inflammation of psoriasis. You can spread it directly on the skin or make a foot or hand bath in case of nail psoriasis.


Oats can be used as a natural cleanser or moisturizer for the skin. They can also help to relieve the itchiness associated with psoriasis. Mix 100 g of flour with 5 liters of boiling water and pour the preparation into your bath.

Olive oil

Olive oil is ultra-moisturizing and helps rid the skin of scales. It reduces itching and helps the skin to regenerate. Apply a tablespoon of it before taking your shower and let it act for fifteen minutes before rinsing.

Skincare and psoriasis

When it comes to skincare, it is important that you use gentle, non-irritating products. Avoid harsh soaps and detergents, and choose products that are made for sensitive skin. It is also important to keep your skin hydrated. Apply a moisturizer to your skin after bathing, and throughout the day as needed. [caption id="attachment_11493" align="aligncenter" width="900"]LUNA 3 FOREO FOREO's LUNA 3 for sensitive skin comes in gentle lavender color. It's a device that will leave your skin feeling soft and clean.[/caption] Also, if you are dealing with this skin problem, you should try FOREO's LUNA 3. It is a device that delivers gentle, yet efficient deep cleanse and a momentary look of rejuvenated skin. The great thing is that you can pick LUNA 3 for sensitive skin that is specially designed for gentleness. This device will be your one-time investment for a lifetime of results!

Can you prevent psoriasis?

There is no known way to prevent psoriasis, but some measures may help to improve the symptoms. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management can all help you. While there is no known cure, there are many ways to treat psoriasis and lessen its symptoms. If you are living with psoriasis, we hope this article has helped give you some insight into the causes and possible treatments for your condition.

Get your LUNA device!

  DISCLAIMER: Please, have in mind that the information in this post is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only. If you have any skin ailments, or you suspect you have them, consult your doctor for advice or information about diagnosis or treatment. Also, before applying a homemade face mask to your face, apply a small amount of it behind your ear. Rinse off after 15 minutes, then wait 24 hours to see if you experience any redness or irritation.



MYSA user avatar
Regina 17/03/2022

Thank you for this post. My parter is stuggling with psoriasis and we tried LED therapy what seems to work well. I use UFO so I would often give it to my partner to treat affected areas. We had been researching a lot about psoriasis and it would be useful to know more about LED therapty and skin diseases...

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Tasj 15/11/2022

In reply to by Regina


As you've done a lot of research, you probably know this... UVA therapy has shown results, but needs to be done frequently and only goes skin deep. Diet can also help plus oral medicines.

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Jules 23/03/2022

Such a good read, thank you for sharing! I have dry patches all over my body, I am dealing with it but it was still very comforting to read.

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jelena 23/03/2022

In reply to by Jules


We are here for you. <3

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Tasj 15/11/2022

It's not merely a skin condition, it's an automune disease.

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15 Home Remedi… 26/12/2022

[…] to avoid picking at your skin if you have any other type of skin condition, such as eczema or psoriasis. Picking can make these conditions worse and can lead to […]


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