4 min read

How to Treat Your Wrinkles

girl putting a facial cream in front of mirror

So you’ve got wrinkles? No big deal, don’t stress. We’re here to help with anti-wrinkle treatments and anti-aging solutions to help rid you of your unwanted lines. Defining moments in your life come few and far between: your 21st birthday, the day you got your driver’s license, your graduation, your wedding day, and the day you got your first wrinkle. Fine surface lines or deep creases and folds (the onset of facial wrinkles) are a classic sign of aging caused by the loss of elasticity, moisture, and accumulated skin damage. However, contrary to popular belief, wrinkles are not the final frontier and can be treated.  

Nonprescription Anti-Wrinkle Creams

There are countless anti-wrinkle creams available over the counter now. However, the effectiveness of a nonprescription anti-wrinkle cream depends entirely on the active ingredient or ingredients.   Look for creams containing:

  • Alpha hydroxy acid
  • Kinetin
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Copper peptides
  • Retinol and other antioxidants.

  Be sure to check the ingredients list—the higher up the ingredient is in the list, the more active the ingredient is in the cream.   There are ways that you can make your nonprescription anti-wrinkle cream work harder for you by ensuring that you skin is cleaned properly before applying the product. The LUNA™ 2 can help by removing dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and makeup residue, helping anti-wrinkle creams absorb into the skin more effectively.  


There are prescription options available for those needing a stronger solution to rid themselves of their wrinkles. Creams containing retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A, may be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, splotchy pigmentation, and skin roughness by slowing the breakdown of collagen. Retinoids make your skin extremely susceptible to sunburn, so the use of retinoids must be followed with a skincare routine that includes daily application of sunscreen and protective clothing.   Retinoid creams are also available over-the-counter—the retinol in these creams is slowly converted to retinoic acid, which is the active ingredient in prescription creams. The difference between a prescription and a nonprescription retinoid cream is the time that it takes for results to start to appear. Over-the-counter creams take time—up to twelve weeks—whereas prescription cream results start to show in four to eight weeks.  

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Also known as chemexfoliation or derma-peeling, a chemical peel uses a chemical solution that removes damaged outer layers of skin. New skin then forms to take its place, leaving you with a smoother and younger-looking complexion.  


Using a rapidly rotating brush, the dermabrasion procedure sands down the surface layer of your skin, allowing a new layer of skin to grow in its place. After the treatment, the skin heals, and wrinkle-free cells form. Redness, scabbing, and swelling follow this procedure and generally take a couple of weeks to heal.  


Similar to dermabrasion, microdermabrasion is done using a vacuum suction over your face, while aluminum-oxide crystals essentially sandblast your skin. Unlike dermabrasion, only a fine layer of surface skin is removed, and you may notice a slight redness in some areas. Numerous treatments are usually required to maintain the subtle, temporary results.  

Soft Tissue Fillers

For those wanting faster results, soft tissue fillers are a quick and time-effective option. Soft tissue fillers are injected into the deep layers of the skin or directly beneath the surface to plump and smooth out wrinkles, giving your skin more volume. They should be administered by a physician and, if administered correctly, can provide you with an excellent, although semi-permanent, solution to your wrinkle qualms. The most commonly used soft tissue filler substances are as follows:  

  • Botox is injected in small amounts around the facial muscles. It binds, weakens, and paralyzes the muscles, reducing or eliminating lines and wrinkles, as well as preventing new creases. Botox can sometimes take several days to come into effect and typically lasts around three to six months.
  • Collagen strengthens your body tissue and organs, and although it makes up almost 80% of your skin, it can break down as you age. Collagen injections smooth the skin’s appearance and can come from a number of sources, such as humans, cows, or pigs. Collagen is most commonly injected between the nose and mouth, and lasts three to six months.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections can be considered as a replacement therapy as HA is found in our bodies and in between cells. However, as we age, the substance decreases. Hyaluronic acid is a gel-like substance and, when used as a filler, is soft to the touch. It is generally used on soft areas such as lips and lasts three to six months.
  • Fat grafting is especially useful for the lip and mouth region and allows you to be your own “filler.” Fat is removed from your own body, usually taken from the abdomen and injected into other areas. The process can be repeated until you’ve reached your desired look.


Laser, Light Source, and Radiofrequency Treatments

Laser-resurfacing treatments use a laser beam that breaks down the outer layer of skin and heats the underlying skin, which stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers. As the body’s natural healing process kicks in and the wound begins to heal, new skin forms that is smoother and tighter as a result of the growth of new collagen fibers. After several treatments, skin feels firmer and appears refreshed.  

Face Lift

Maybe you’d prefer a bit of ‘nip and tuck’? The facelift procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from your lower face and neck by making an insertion from the top to the bottom of the hairline. The skin is then lifted and pulled back, and excess skin is removed. This procedure tightens the underlying muscles and connective facial tissues. Healing time can take several weeks as there is much bruising and swelling. Patients can expect to see results that last up to 10 years.  

So Now You Have the Facts...

Knowing what your options are in treating your wrinkles takes a lot of stress out of finding a solution that works for you, not to mention saving yourself from causing additional worry lines! Next, we take you through our product recommendations for ironing out your wrinkles.   Disclaimer: The information on this website and any related links are for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Do not use the information on this website to diagnose or treat any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, contact a professional healthcare provider.



MYSA user avatar
Kate Morrison 17/08/2019

I appreciate the efforts you have made to gather and share such useful information about the wrinkles. Aging is solely responsible for the development of different types of skin-related issues including wrinkles. Wrinkles along with other kinds of skin-related disorders affect our personal as well as professional life and suitable initiatives should be taken into consideration to deal with those issues. One of the best ways to deal with such issues is to ask an experienced professional. For more assistance, visit https://www.entebellamedical.com/wrinkles-treatments-arizona/

MYSA user avatar
Anti-envelhecimento 29/08/2019

just loved you tips, tnks

MYSA user avatar
FOREO 02/09/2019

In reply to by Anti-envelhecimento


Happy to hear that! :*


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