2 min read
Feeling the Burn? Here Are the 6 Most Common Causes of Razor Burn

Are you struggling to get a clean-shaven face but end up with redness and rashes instead? Razor burn is actually a very common affliction among men - up to 50% suffer from it. But razor burn doesn’t have to be an inevitable result of shaving. Learn the reasons behind getting razor burn so you can find out what’s going wrong when you shave, and discover how to make it right.
A Dull Razor
By and large, the most common cause of razor burn is shaving with a dull razor. If your razor isn’t sharp enough, it takes more strokes and more pressure to get a closer shave. This constant friction will cause the micro-abrasions that lead to that annoying, rashy feeling on your face.
A Dirty Razor
As it’s very common for the men to get small nicks while shaving, it is vital to use make sure the razor you are using is clean. Bacteria entering the skin through these small cuts can cause irritation and even infection.
Improper Cleansing
To get a smooth shave, you need to shear hair follicles as close to the skin as possible. Any dirt and oil on your face hinders your razor’s ability to shave hair properly, causing you to push the razor harder onto the skin. If your skin gets nicked, dirt and oil can also irritate these minor wounds, so making sure that you wash your face thoroughly before grabbing your razor will save you a lot of grief.
Shaving Against the Grain
The direction of hair growth is referred to as the direction of the grain. Shaving with the grain offers the least resistance to cutting the hair, but shaving against it pulls the hair, irritating the skin.
Sensitive Skin
If your skin tends to become red and irritated when you use standard skincare products or by changes in the weather, chances are you have sensitive skin - and skin sensitivity is often to blame for razor burn. So those with sensitive skin are more prone to redness when a razor is pressed and pulled against the skin, and must be adequately prepared with suitable skincare products beforehand.
Dry Skin
Skin needs to be properly moisturized before shaving to reduce the chances of irritation. Dragging a razor across dry skin strips away moisture, leading to dryness-induced itching and redness.
Understanding Why You Get Razor Burn
As you can see, razor burn mostly happens because of inadequate pre-shaving prep, improper shaving technique and substandard razors. So the next you’re getting ready for a shave, remember to consider how you treat your skin before and during your shaving routine - understanding why you’re getting razor burn will help you prevent it so you can avoid it outright the next time you shave.
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