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Beth Hein 12/11/2018

This is one awesome post

I try to drink water every now and then – before going to sleep, after I wake up (Studies say that water can help to restart our organs), and during my meals.

Currently, I don’t track my water intake, but I am going to start doing it. As tracking is the only way we know for sure whether we have accomplished our goals.

I do carry around my own water bottle (20 oz) so tracking will not be tough for me

Also I try to make water more interesting, I usually go with iced tea

I don’t have a measuring cup, so I am just going to try and finish my bottle 3 times a day (that will get me close to my daily intake needed :D).

Anyways, thank you for the comprehensive post Water has so many benefits and yet many of us forget to drink enough of it everyday and most of us are not aware of what our daily intake should be.

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