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carly 05/03/2021

In reply to by ahsan khan


Hi Ahsan :) Don't give up, you just need to perfect your technique. Heat and moisture will help soften the follicles and open your pores. Try shaving in a hot shower or leave a hot washcloth on your face for y couple of minutes before shaving. Use a moisturizing shaving cream, gel or lotion so your razor won't drag and cause burns. It is important to go over your face in as little times as possible, so use a sharp razor and take long strokes. I suggest shaving with the grain for one or two strokes and then against (shaving against cuts it closer, but may irritate your skin so you do it last). Rinse with cold water, pat with a dry towel and apply aftershave (without alcohol) and you are good to go! Let me know if this helped :D

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