8 min read

A Brush with Destiny: ISSA and the Quest for the Perfect Electric Toothbrush

Innovative toothbrush
For all of the amazingly complex and intuitive functions of the human body, teeth seem like something of an oversight. Think about it: Our stomachs safely contain acid that is strong enough to easily dissolve zinc. Our kidneys each contain approximately 1 million individual filters. Our bones are stronger than concrete when it comes to supporting weight. And then there’s our teeth. Unlike the teeth of certain other animals (rodents, for example), human teeth don’t continue to grow and replace themselves. Instead, after our initial set is replaced during early preadolescence, we find ourselves having to make do with the same 32 teeth for the rest of our lives. That might not be such a bad prospect, if it weren’t for that fact that our teeth are constantly biting, grinding, and mashing into each other and whatever else we decide to chew on, in a violent frenzy that seems perfectly suited towards cracking and chipping away at them. And teeth aren’t simply boney protrusions, either; they’re hollow, nerve-filled timebombs of pain, just waiting for something to go wrong. This continual wear and tear, combined with teeth’s propensity to develop cavities, results in a national dental cost of about $111 billion every year. Given their inherent frailness, it just doesn’t seem as though most teeth have a very good chance of lasting throughout an entire lifetime. As such, if you want your teeth to be able to take care of you throughout the eight or so decades you’re using them, you need to do your part to take care of them.

Brush Brush Brush

  In order to maintain a healthy set of chompers, the best thing that you can do is regularly brush your teeth. You see, when you eat food—particularly food that is high in carbohydrates, such as bread, cake, candy, cereal, milk, soda, or even fruit—some of the particles of that food remain on and between your teeth. Over time, the bacteria and saliva in your mouth combine with these particles, and form plaque. As plaque builds up on and around the teeth, its natural acidity begins to dissolve the teeth. Likewise, gums that are not regularly brushed and flossed can develop gum disease, which causes the gums to recede from the teeth, exposing the roots to possible infection. If left untreated, this can lead to serious problems with cavities and even tooth loss. Thankfully, proper brushing (along with regular flossing and cleaning-visits to the dentist) drastically decreases the likelihood of tooth-related health problems. That having been said, there’s a difference between brushing, and brushing right. Improper brushing techniques are often ineffective at best, and may even cause harm to the teeth they’re supposed to be protecting. At the same time, conventional toothbrushes are often inflexible and awkward to hold, and have a difficult time reaching all of the tooth-surfaces that need to be cleaned. They also require more work on the part of the user in order to be effective, leading users to spend less time brushing, or to skip brushing sessions entirely.  

Strokes of Genius

  In answer to these issues, the electric toothbrush was developed. Electric toothbrushes have many advantages over their more-traditional cousins, several of which we’d like to address here:
  • They require minimal effort. Whereas manual toothbrushes depend upon a very specific technique in order to be effective, electric toothbrushes do all of the work for you. Just by placing the head of the electric toothbrush at a 45° angle against the tooth surface, the motorized bristles simulate an effective scrubbing motion. This ease in use leads to higher compliance rates among users, which means more frequent (and more effective) brushing all around. Those with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other dexterity issues also generally have a more effective brushing experience when using an electric toothbrush.
  • They’re easier to time. Most experts recommend that we should brush our teeth for at least two minutes, as brushing for less time than that is generally not enough to be effective. However, there is also danger in brushing for too long. Brushing for longer than the two-minute mark, especially when you’re brushing by hand,  doesn’t make any noticeable difference in the level of tooth cleanliness, and may even harm teeth and gums. As such, many electric toothbrushes now feature built-in timers. With these timers, you’ll be able to ensure that you get the best possible clean, without the risk of hurting your teeth.
  • They’re more fun for children. It can be difficult to get children excited about brushing their teeth, and most manual toothbrushes don’t really help; even the ones that are brightly colored and/or feature beloved fictional characters on the packaging tend to become much less exciting once the brush is firmly planted in the child’s mouth. Electric toothbrushes can benefit from all of the fun packaging and design that is used in conventional toothbrushes, but also have an added bit of tech-allure that kids really like. With the right electric toothbrush, child morning and evening routines become significantly less of a hassle.
  • They’re more effective. When it all comes down to it, it is the friction of the bristles against the tooth that helps to break up and remove plaque. That means that every pass of the bristles over the teeth is a strike against plaque. When you’re brushing by hand using a manual toothbrush, you are probably capable of making about 300 strokes per minute. That’s not too bad, and it means that after two minutes of brushing, you will have made about 600 strokes. On the other hand, the average electric toothbrush delivers 3000–7500 strokes per minute, meaning that the average electric toothbrush has the potential to be roughly 10 times as effective as a conventional toothbrush. In fact, a study performed by Cochrane Oral Health Group found that three months of electric-toothbrush use resulted in a 21% reduction in plaque, and an 11% reduction in gingivitis when compared to manual toothbrushes.


  When it was first introduced, the electric toothbrush was a big step in the direction of improved oral health, but it wasn’t perfect. The problem is that many of its original failings are still prevalent in modern designs. As a result, those who make the switch to certain electric toothbrushes still aren’t getting the level of oral cleanliness that they could. ISSA aims to change all of that ISSA is a progressive new type of electric toothbrush, with a number of revolutionary features that make cleaning and maintaining teeth an easy—yet effective—task. What is it that sets ISSA apart from other electric toothbrushes? Let’s take a look:
  • ISSA uses ultra soft silicone bristles. One of the biggest flaws in conventional toothbrush design is the bristles. Densely packed nylon bristles may seem relatively soft, but when scrubbed vigorously against teeth and gums every day, these bristles can wear down enamel, and may also inflame sensitive tissue. At the same time, nylon bristles provide the perfect place for bacterial colonies to form, effectively turning toothbrushes into the kind of germ farms that you’d want to keep as far away from your mouth as possible. Nylon bristles also suffer from durability problems, wearing down and becoming unusable after only a few months. ISSA solves this problem by replacing the conventional nylon bristles with high-end silicon. Silicon bristles are much softer than nylon. Inversely, they produce stronger friction for a better cleaning job, while still preventing the application of too much pressure, which can damage teeth and gums, and scratch tooth enamel. Silicon is also hypoallergenic, less porous than nylon, and dries much more quickly, significantly reducing the possibility of bacteria buildup. The silicone bristles are also durable enough to last for up to a year of continuous use.
  • ISSA has a flexible brush head. Even with motorized toothbrushes, some may find themselves having trouble reaching certain tooth surfaces while they brush. ISSA features a fully flexible 3D brush head. This means that no matter where you’re trying to brush, you’ll always be able to get the right angle for optimal cleaning. Of course, once you find that angle, ISSA is perfectly happy to take care of the rest.
  • ISSA features Sonic Pulse Technology. As mentioned above, the rotary motion of common electric toothbrushes is capable of providing approximately 10 times more strokes per minute than conventional toothbrushes. But while this means more effective scrubbing, it can also mean a greater amount of wear and tear on your teeth and gums. Likewise, common electric toothbrushes can pose a danger to those who have recently undergone cosmetic dental procedures. ISSA solves this problem, by using sonic pulse technology. Rather than using rotating bristles, ISSA relies on high-intensity pulsations that travel through the silicone bristles and down into the gum tissue. This is not only an extremely efficient way to break apart plaque without harming teeth, but it also strengthens the gums, promoting gum health and reducing the risk of gingivitis. And despite the fact that ISSA produces up to 11,000 pulsations per minute, it’s still gentle enough for children and those recovering from recent dental procedures.
  • ISSA is easy to charge, and retains its charge for longer. Many basic electric toothbrushes rely on disposable batteries. This creates a number of problems: For one thing, batteries can be expensive to purchase. For another, disposable batteries—despite what the name may imply—are actually quite difficult to dispose of safely. Toothbrushes that incorporate rechargeable battery packs have their own issues, as the packs seldom are able to retain a charge for more than a few days, and often require bulky recharging stations. ISSA’s battery is completely self contained, and after charging for one hour (via a common a common USB plug), can deliver up to 365 uses. That means less time spent charging, less energy used, and less hassle overall.
  • ISSA offers a range of styles, designs, and accessories. When it comes to toothbrushes, one size definitely does not fit all. This is why ISSA offers multiple unique designs:
    • ISSA, for effective general cleaning of teeth and gums.
    • ISSA Hybrid, for deeper teeth cleaning.
    • ISSA Mini, specifically designed for younger users.
Additionally, ISSA brush heads come in a variety of styles. So, whether you want something gentle, intense, or even something specially suited to cleaning your tongue, ISSA has you covered.

Something to Smile About

  There’s no two ways around it; life can be pretty hard on your teeth. On average, adults ages 20–64 have 3.28 decayed or missing permanent teeth, and 13.65 decayed and missing permanent surfaces. Teeth yellow. Teeth wear down. Teeth break. But they don’t have to. Gingivitis and tooth decay are nearly 100% preventable, which means that as long as you are doing your part to protect your teeth, then you’ll be able to enjoy strong, good looking teeth for decades to come. However, protecting your teeth means more than just passing a brush across them for a few seconds two times per day. In order to retain and maintain good oral health, you need to be willing to change unhealthy habits, practise proper brushing technique, and select a toothbrush that will clean without causing further damage. Take control of the future of your teeth. ISSA makes it easy to achieve a flawlessly polished smile, and to do so more gently and hygienically than any other toothbrush on the market. Teeth aren’t perfect, but your toothbrush should be. And, with ISSA to protect your mouth, you’ll really have something to smile about.   For great tips on how to get kids to enjoy brushing their teeth, click here.   Disclaimer: The information on this website and any related links are for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, contact a professional healthcare provider.  

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