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FOREO Massage Treatment Using LUNA™ 3’s App Guided Tutorial

Woman's face with points of facial massage drawn on

The secret to combating wrinkles for brighter and happier skin Puffy, saggy, and dull skin with fine lines are problems that we’ve all had to face at one point or another, and it just becomes more persistent as time goes by. Even though it’s natural, and it's unrealistic to expect your skin to stay the same as it was when you were young, this doesn’t mean that you have to totally give up. In fact, getting your skin the proper treatment can help combat these effects and help your skin stay in better shape for much longer.  



Facial Massage Techniques: Sounds Good But How Can I Do It?

Facial massages are used by skincare professionals for anti-aging and to keep your skin in optimal condition. It helps increase circulation, giving your skin a much brighter and more toned appearance — goodbye puffy baby face and hello front cover of Vogue.  But how to do these massages by yourself? It’s one thing when someone who knows what they are doing does all the work for you, but when it comes to taking on the task yourself it can be a little bit more intimidating. 


With little to no guidance, it’s hard to know whether or not you’re doing it right, and you might just be spending all your time massaging in vain. That’s where LUNA™ 3 comes in… LUNA™ 3 comes complete with a massage side to help you get professional results. But the best part is that since it’s app-connected, you can enjoy app-guided tutorials for your facial massage techniques using the FOREO app!   Woman massaging temples with finger tips  

All About The FOREO App Massages

Complete with four separate facial massages, targeting different areas of the face, it’s up to you whether you want to go all in or just focus on one spot. Take a look below to see what FOREO massage treatments LUNA™ 3 has in store: 

  1. Eyes on the prize: This 2 minute massage treatment targets the under eye, temporal, and brow bone region and it helps depuff, brighten, and even firm the skin around your eyes. All you have to do is get LUNA™ 3 massage side in place and follow the detailed instructions of the FOREO app massage.


  2. Nothing but neck: Targeting the skin around the neck and decolletage region, this 2-minute massage treatment helps increase circulation and gives a tightened feel and appearance to the neck.


  3. Contour crazy: A 4-minute massage that will have you looking like the queen of contour, except you won’t be sacrificing hours of your time for the effect. It helps drain away swelling and leaves you with the appearance of lifted cheekbones and a toned jawline.


  4. Mouth magic: This 2-minute massage targets the area around the mouth and jawline. If you have any fine lines around your mouth area, this is what you need. It will help tighten the skin and minimize the appearance of any wrinkles. At the same time, you’ll use it to tone up the jawline region as well. 

  girl using FOREO massage treatment around eyes 

To get started with these massages, all you’ll have to do is download the FOREO app (if you don’t already have it) for iOS or Android. Then turn on your LUNA™ 3 by pressing the universal button and connect it to the app via Bluetooth, and you’re all set. Now you just have to follow the instructions and pick which massage treatment (or treatments) you want to try out first!   


We would love to hear about your experiences using LUNA™ 3's massage mode, and if you have any questions at all about using LUNA™ 3 take a look at the most frequently asked questions about LUNA™ 3 answered. Still can't find your answer? Or maybe you'd just like to share the transformations you noticed on your skin, you can feel free to leave a reply in the comment section at the bottom of the page.



MYSA user avatar
Ramona 19/09/2020

Hi there. There is a problem with the app. I cannot access any massage programmes. It says to push the power button for 5 seconds to connect to the app. But as soon as I do that it automatically starts the cleaning programme, not through the app though. The app is just dead, the same screen saying “Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds” stays on forever. And then that’s it, there’s no further option. There is no update to the app, nothing for me to do there. It just doesn’t work. Disappointing and frustrating that for a product that costs 200€ this is what you offer as support. Basically renders the massage features useless.

MYSA user avatar
carly 25/09/2020

In reply to by Ramona


Dear Ramona, Thank you for your post and understandably how frustrating this is! However, we are happy to see that you are in contact with our Customer Care Team member Ana and we hope to get this resolved for you.

MYSA user avatar
Vendula 11/12/2020

Mám ten samý problém. Připlatila jsem si za Luna 3 kvůli masážím. Aplikace píše NĚCO SE POKAZILO. ZKUSTE TO POZDĚJI. Mohla jsem koupit levnější bez masáže, když stejně nefungují. Škoda, že jsem na tyto recenze nepřišla před koupí. Těšila jsem se až Luna 3 dorazí a teď jsem akorát naštvaná a smutná.

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carly 15/02/2021

In reply to by Vendula


Hi there! We are very sorry to hear about the issue with the application. Please contact Foreo Customer Care so our agents can help you resolve it as soon as possible.

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Luna lunera 27/12/2020

Can I use Luna 3 massage programs with rentinol or will damage the silicone?

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carly 15/02/2021

In reply to by Luna lunera


Hi there! In regards to your kind inquiry, I would like to inform you that we suggest avoiding the usage of oily-based, clay-based, silicone-based or grainy cleansers, exfoliators or scrubs, as they may damage the LUNA’s soft silicone touch-points and never to use cleaning products containing alcohol, petrol or acetone, as they may irritate the skin.
We also recommend not using any cleansers that contain Silicone ingredients as this can also be quite damaging to the silicone on the device. :)

MYSA user avatar
Anne 29/01/2021

Do you need to use a serum/cream/moisturizer with the massaging function on the Foreo, Luna 3? What should I use and what ingredients should I stay away from?

MYSA user avatar
carly 15/02/2021

In reply to by Anne


Hi Anne, we recommend using a massage medium or serum when performing the massage treatments to get the full benefit. In regards to your kind inquiry, I would like to inform you that we suggest avoiding the usage of oily-based, clay-based, silicone-based or grainy cleansers, exfoliators or scrubs, as they may damage the LUNA’s soft silicone touch-points and never to use cleaning products containing alcohol, petrol or acetone, as they may irritate the skin.
We also recommend not using any cleansers that contain Silicone ingredients as this can also be quite damaging to the silicone on the device. :)

MYSA user avatar
Fiona Forristal 03/02/2021

Hi there I just purchased the ufo and luna 3 love them both I also bought the foreo serum. Can you use that several under your eyes when using the massage onluna 3?

Also the serum in the masks i bought for the ufo there is so much left after you use the mask is it ok to apply rest of serum after the mask and do it again?

Is there a limit on when yoi can use the ufo?



MYSA user avatar
carly 17/02/2021

In reply to by Fiona Forristal


Dear Fiona, Thank you for your post and glad to hear that you are enjoying your devices :) When performing the massage treatments you can use the Serum Serum Serum for the Eyes on the Prize Treatment as this is designed for the use alongside the LUNA 3.

With the extra Serum that is in the mask packets, you are free to add this back to the mask and perform the treatment again or if you wish you can apply the serum to neck and decolletage area with your fingers and then use upwards sweeping motions so the skin in that area can be benefit from the active ingredients in the serum. :)

The good news is that your UFO can be used daily as part of your routine so morning and evening along with your choice of masks. We hope this helps and if you need any further assistance then please feel free to get in touch with our Customer Care Team of FOREO.COM who would be happy to assist you further.


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