18 min read

How to Look Younger and Visibly Reverse Aging

A happy middle-aged woman with outstretched arms on a beach in sunset

Many have drowned in hope, staring at the fountain of youth for too long. The distortion of one's reflection is fickle and unstable in these clear waters, just as aging is inevitable - unless you find some magical loophole like Mr. Dorian Gray. Well, that one didn't end very well, now did it? The clock will tick equally for all of us (unless approaching a black hole or matching the speed of light... ehmmm, good luck with that), and the slow but merciless decline will march on. Yet, you are no longer your great, great, great, great grandmother, relying only on your genes and the village’s medicine man, but have the science of how to look younger on your side.


The bottom line question on everybody's lips tickles us - Can we reverse aging? We know we can slow down the process and get younger-looking skin, but how to actually reverse aging is a whole new set of problems. Still, new tech and understanding the effect of lifestyle choices can target premature aging at a cellular level, possibly reversing your biological age. Not in the “biohackers spending millions to sleep in cryo chambers and have their blood replaced on a biweekly basis” but via everyday manageable, simple things that are sustainable for you and your schedule. If you are, by any chance, a billionaire biohacker (contact the editor, wink-wink) - feel free to skip this article. This anti-aging lifestyle talk is for the cheap seats in the back.

Understanding Biological Aging

In this blog, we'll explore how to look younger and reverse aging (to the extent it’s possible with our current knowledge). We’ll bypass the skincare history and talk about science, the latest medical breakthroughs, practical, everyday steps such as an anti-aging lifestyle, and foods that reverse aging. And here's a fun fact to kick things off and get you into a sciency mood (and is interesting enough to be an ice-breaker at a party): Your skin regenerates itself approximately every 27 days. So if you mess up, you’ll soon get a chance to correct the course. 

A wooden doll sitting on a sideways turned hourglass

But what is biological aging? It refers to the gradual decline in the body's physiological functions over time. It is more complicated than noticing signs of aging on the skin. This is just a visible manifestation of accumulating glitches in the millions of bodily processes we can’t see. At the cellular level, aging is marked by damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids, leading to the dysfunction of cells and tissues. One key factor in determining your biological age is the process of telomere shortening. Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that protect the genetic material from “fraying” and get a bit shorter with each cell division (which is how your body regenerates itself). This shortening eventually leads to cell senescence (old age where cells refuse to divide further and just watch their soaps, ignoring you) or cell death.


Mitochondria, the little bean-shaped organelles, are tiny biological power plants that produce energy within the cell. However, mitochondrial function declines with age, reducing the cell’s energy production and contributing to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is inevitable as we burn nutrients in the presence of oxygen for energy and unavoidably produce damaging byproducts, which can and should be neutralized by their nemesis, antioxidants.

While genetics play a significant role in how we age, making us look fresh in our 50s or resulting in premature aging, this is not an excuse or an easy way out because genetic material needs triggers in our surroundings and life to manifest the genetic potential (epigenetics). There are many potential yous. Environmental factors such as diet, exercise, and exposure to toxins can either accelerate or slow down aging and activate or deactivate genes controlling certain functions and outcomes. Lifestyle choices like regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and stress management can also help reverse aging. You are not a bystander but an active participant who is free to choose an anti-aging lifestyle. Our daily habits really do influence our biological clock. With the right care and habits, you can literally (and we don’t use the word willy-nilly) "renew" yourself every month! So, let’s learn how to defy aging - one healthy choice at a time!


Methods, Habits, and Practical Tips to Slow and Reverse Biological Aging

Diet for Younger-Looking Skin

Can you reverse aging with diet? Are there foods that reverse aging, and what are they? Food is to the body what fuel is to a car. Put the wrong kind of gas into your tank or fill it up with sugar, and the only place you’ll be going is the mechanic’s. Similarly, the body “fueled” by junk all the time will inevitably start to lose proper function and eventually just break down, ending up at the doctor’s seat with a prescription in its hands.

Diet and nutrition may be the most fundamental pillars of health (in addition to sleep, where we build and repair cells and tissues) and play a crucial role in slowing down or speeding up the aging process. The anti-aging foods we choose have much to do with cellular health and inflammation. Antioxidants, found in anti-aging foods like berries, dark chocolate, and green tea, help neutralize harmful free radicals that contribute to cellular damage, resulting in functional decline and visible aging of the skin and other bodily tissues.

If we had to simplify diet imperatives to a point, it would be to eat in a way that keeps your blood sugar stable throughout the day, meaning no naked carb loading (“naked” carbs are those consumed without fat or protein that mitigate the blood sugar spike), highly processed foods, or added sugar and focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet. Whole foods such as leafy greens, nuts, and fatty fish, keep your insulin stable, give sustained energy, and help reduce chronic inflammation, which is linked to most age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, mental decline, and arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids in foods like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts are especially beneficial for brain health and reducing inflammation.

An abundance of fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish on the table from a bird's perspective

If you’ve never done intermittent fasting and have been struggling with weight, insulin resistance (widespread in hormonal issues such as PCOS), brain fog, type 2 diabetes, or inflammation, limiting your eating window could make a world of difference. It is not a diet where you go crazy weighing every morsel of food or requiring a math degree to count calories obsessively. It is ridiculously easy and will simplify your life, as you just skip a meal here and there to restore your metabolic flexibility. Intermittent fasting just means you extend the window when you’re not eating. 16:8 (16 Hrs no food: 8 Hrs of an eating window) or OMAD (One meal a day) seem to work well for most people. There is no need to jump into it from having 3 square meals and 2 snacks a day. Start slowly extending the non-eating period until you get to a fasting length that works best for you, your goals, and your lifestyle. Intermittent fasting is not the latest fad, but is how the body was designed to function. For 99.9% of human history, and in some places even today, food was not readily available all year round and occasional (or not so occasional) fasting was just a way of life.

When you don’t eat every couple of hours, the digestive tract can clear out and reset, repair the gut barrier, and fix any potential damage. The body notices there is no food coming in, and it starts to scavenge. It will recycle old cell organelles, bits and pieces of cell material, and proteins that are just lying around as junk and slowing things down. It will use them as energy and clean house. You also have around 1500-2000 calories saved up as glycogen in your liver and 130,000 to 150,000 calories stored as fat deposits on your body. You will not starve. The body is smart and adaptable. The hunger you feel for the first few days of trying this new eating pattern is a hunger out of habit, appearing in a time when you would usually eat, and you’ve taught ghrelin (hunger hormone) to rise by your previous eating schedule. Intermittent fasting has the potential to boost longevity by triggering cellular repair processes and improving mitochondrial function; it will mitigate insulin resistance, rid you of carb cravings, make you feel more satisfied when you eat, and relearn the signals of when you’ve had enough. So, can you reverse aging with diet? Yes.

Tasty anti-aging foods:

What foods make you look younger? These are not some strange alien things that’ll break the bank. Good food can be found all around us; a humble walnut from your neighbor's yard can be way better for your anti-aging lifestyle than an exotic new revival of some ancient pseudo-grain.

Berries - They are delicious, look super fun and colorful, are lower-glycemic (don’t spike your blood sugar) than a lot of fruits out there, and will not lose much nutritional value by freezing (so you can get them in bulk when they are cheap and abundant in season, and just freeze a whole bunch, for yogurts, chia puddings, healthy deserts, oats or even interesting meat sauces). Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, berries (such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries) help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, which can slow down the aging process.


Nuts—Sometimes, you just need to go nutty to stay sane. Find the best nut options in your local stores. Ideally, don’t get anything pre-crushed, as the intact nut will be the most nutritionally sound, and there is less chance of the fats oxidizing and going rancid. Nuts of all kinds have different nutritional profiles. Still, they all provide healthy fats, vitamin E, and minerals that promote skin elasticity and brain health and reduce the risk of coronary diseases.

Omega-3-Rich Foods - Let's get one thing out of the way. Omega-6 fatty acids are not bad. We need those, too. What is bad in the contemporary approach to nutrition peddling hyper-produced, convenient semblances of food is the ratio of these fatty acids. Ideally, you'd have a 1:1 or 2:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids (with extreme historical diets sometimes ranging from 4:1 to 1:4 depending on what was available), but the ratios in the Western world get skewed as much as 20:1 in favor of the omega-6. Foods like salmon, mackerel, and chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart and brain function, reduce inflammation, and protect against cellular aging.

Green Tea - Not only is it delicious on its own in hot and cool variants, green tea comes in many types, including matcha. It can be fermented to varying degrees and is often combined with aromatic ingredients such as jasmine, ginger, lemon, and orange. You will easily find the one you like. Green tea is rich in polyphenols and catechins, can protect cells, support metabolism, and reduce the risk of aging-related chronic diseases. Replace your morning coffee, put a tea kettle on for a cozy night, or put it in the fridge overnight for a cool morning pick-me-up on hot summer mornings.

Avocados - This oily fruit, akin to the precious olive, can be enjoyed in many ways: in salty, sweet, sliced, mashed, seasoned form, or plain. Put it on your salad to give it some substance, make guacamole for dipping your veggie sticks, slice, salt and paper, or stick it in an egg sandwich. Packed with healthy fats, vitamins E and C, and antioxidants, avocados help maintain skin hydration and elasticity while reducing inflammation and promoting heart health. But keep in mind that some people can be sensitive to avocados just as people can be allergic to nuts or shellfish, and if you’ve had some digestive distress before, it's better to skip these.


Physical Activity

Physical activity is like a reset button for aging and is one of the most effective tools for maintaining overall health. But it is not just for aesthetic purposes of a jiggly bottom or fashion considerations of your aspirational wardrobe. As you challenge your body by exercise, the hungry muscles will soak up extra glucose from the blood and use that as a primary source of energy. You will also have better circulation all over the body, which translates into better-nourished cells, improved brain health, and cognitive performance. Hormone regulation will balance your mood, and growth factors will fix the damage in the body. The cardiovascular system will grow stronger and adapt to the demands of physical activity. Regular exercise also helps maintain muscle mass (you’ll really need this as you age) and keeps your metabolism humming along rather than slowing down to a crawl as the decades pass. Whether it's strength training, cardio, or a mix of both, staying active helps to keep premature aging at bay and keep the body functioning optimally.

What is the difference between strength training and cardiovascular exercise?

Cardiovascular Exercise - After the initial phase of panting and despairing about why the hell you are doing this to yourself, you’ll begin to love it. Cardio will instantly boost energy and enhance mood by releasing endorphins that make us feel good, motivated, and satisfied. An interesting fact is that depressed individuals will often feel no impetus to move, which is most likely a result of brain chemistry devoid of some of these essential neurotransmitters that affect mood regulation. Choose activities such as running, swimming, cycling, HIIT, and jumping jacks or burpees to get your pulse up. These will strengthen the heart, improve circulation, and lower the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.


Strength Training—Exercises like weightlifting, pilates, yoga, bodyweight exercises, and resistance training help preserve muscle mass, improve bone density, and support metabolism. This reduces the risk of muscle loss (sarcopenia), improves posture, and protects joint health, which is vital as breaks and sprains become more dangerous and heal slower the older we get.

A fun middle-aged man with a beard and log hair ready to exercise, in tight gym clothes and with a sweat band on his forehead

Don’t be a tyrant to yourself and force yourself to the point where injury is likely, but don’t give up as soon as it gets hard. Mild discomfort is ideal, and that’s the place of growth - as in life.

Sleep and Recovery

We can preach about the benefits of exercise until the cows come home, but the truth is - there are no true long-term benefits of any action without balance. Every exhaustion - be it physical, mental, or emotional - needs a period of rest and recovery. Otherwise, you’re just on a fast train to burnout town, and it ain’t pretty. Quality sleep (not the same as 8 Hrs of tossing and turning) allows the body to repair all of the micro-insults from the day before. It regenerates cells, making it essential in strategies to slow down aging. Sleeping Beauty didn’t age a day in her 100-year sleep. A fairytale, true, but we cannot escape this semi-truism in the story.  During deep sleep, the body works on repairing tissues, producing growth hormones, and eliminating toxins, which are critical for maintaining younger-looking skin.

Our culture appreciates “busy” and sees it as a badge of honor equivalent to productivity and usefulness. Badges are shiny and demand respect, so in our 20s, we gladly sacrifice our ZZZs to be omnipotent and omnipresent. But then, the mid-30s appear around the corner, and we reassess and regroup, starting to put together the foundations of our anti-aging lifestyle. By the way, mid-thirties are great, the sweet spot for some well-planned “old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway.”

If you want to improve sleep hygiene, establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. Create a relaxing bedtime routine that works for you, minimize screen time before bed, and dim the lights in your home half an hour to an hour before you plan on going to bed. A cool, dark, and quiet sleep environment is ideal. Light and sound are apparent and can easily wake us up, but the cold? Cool rooms will help you fall asleep more easily (because your body temperature naturally falls about 1° C  as you fall asleep) and will help you sleep deeper. Regarding foods and drinks, avoid heavy meals (that can make you anxious, thirsty, and unable to fall asleep) and caffeine (you’ll still be tired but won’t be able to feel it, and therefore fall asleep) close to bedtime. Relaxation techniques like meditation can significantly improve the quality of your sleep by calming your system down, especially if you’ve had a long day and can’t seem to unwind.

A man sleeping on the floor, with his head in the dog basket, one tiny dog sleeping on him, the other sitting beside him.

Mental Health and Stress Management

Have you heard of anecdotal stories of people healing from all sorts of diseases, looking ten years younger, and having a completely different life experience just by learning to take care of their head space? There's no amount of miles run that will make you feel good and look younger if you're constantly stressed and feel smothered by toxic circumstances. If you're chronically stressed, all the good things you want to do for yourself and others will feel like a chore. If your mental health is declining, it will color everything that is bright and colorful in your life gray. 
Chronic stress significantly impacts biological aging, accelerating processes like cellular damage, inflammation, and hormone imbalances, all of which contribute to premature aging. Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help reduce stress levels by calming the mind and lowering stress hormones such as cortisol. So get your daily ooom-s in.

Maintaining a positive mindset is as important for feeling and looking younger as those squats you do. Engaging in new activities, learning new skills, and stepping outside your comfort zone can boost confidence, shake you out, get you out of your head, and stimulate mental growth and the creation of new neural connections that will keep your brain healthy. 

Supplements and Medical Interventions to Reverse Aging

As the name says, a supplement is here to supplement something that is missing. Ideally, we wouldn’t need any because we’re getting everything from our food. But most of the foods in our supermarkets (around 70%) have been depleted and are now void of nutrients in favor of a long shelf life. They are pretty, tasty, empty little things. So, supplementing can help fill in the nutritional gaps of vitamins and trace minerals in food deserts when anti-aging foods are not readily available or when we’ve been making poor food choices for a while. Make sure you check out the company, and if the bottle really contains what it claims to contain. Otherwise, you’ll just make unnecessarily expensive pee. In recent years, advancements in supplements and medical interventions have provided exciting possibilities for supporting longevity. New compounds and isolates are exploring ways to reverse the aging process at the cellular level.

One notable supplement rising in the anti-aging lifestyle community is resveratrol. Resveratrol is found in red wine and various plant sources. Known for its ability to activate longevity genes and stop premature aging, resveratrol helps reduce inflammation, promotes cellular health and function, and may slow down the aging process. Another important supplement group to cheat your biological age includes NAD+ boosters such as NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) and NR (Nicotinamide Riboside). These increase NAD+ levels in the body, vital for cellular energy production, DNA repair, and maintaining cellular health as foundations to reverse aging in the nanoscale. CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) is an essential antioxidant that supports mitochondrial function. Healthy mitochondria mean healthy and strong cells, meaning you have younger-looking skin and feel healthy, vital, and energetic.

A pippete on pink background overflowing with a clear watery hyaluronic acid gel

Medical interventions join supplements and anti-aging foods in an effort to offer an answer on how to reverse aging. For example, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) involves restoring levels of hormones like estrogen and testosterone that decline with age. HRT has been shown to help slow premature aging by improving energy, enhancing bone density, and supporting skin health. Stem Cell Treatments are also at the top of the list, showing promise in helping people look and feel younger by focusing on regenerating damaged tissues and organs. Finally, gene therapy represents an innovative approach to aging, targeting specific genes to reverse aging, enhance tissue regeneration, and keep age-related diseases at arm's length.

Skincare and Anti-Aging Tips for Younger-Looking Skin

Daily Skincare Routines

Maybe you don't care about anything we've said by now and just want a recommendation for simple, actionable steps to build into your anti-aging skincare routine and lifestyle. Achieving younger-looking skin requires a consistent daily routine. Find what works for you, make it simple, and stick to it. We’d suggest three essential steps: a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer, and sunscreen. A good cleanser helps remove dirt, oil, impurities, and makeup residue without stripping the skin barrier of its natural protective layer. A moisturizer keeps the skin hydrated and a universal hallmark of aging (inside and out) is drying out. And finally, sunscreen protects the skin from harmful environmental stressors like UV rays, pollution, and free radicals. These harsh, damaging agents accumulate and accelerate the aging process and contribute to premature aging signs such as sagging, loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and fine lines.

LUNA 4 facial cleansing brush with micro-foam cleanser and LUNA balm

One of the gentlest cleanser combos out there is LUNA™ Ultra-nourishing Cleansing Balm, LUNA™ Micro-Foam Cleanser 2.0. It removes impurities with its rich, silky cream that transforms into a light, bubbly, gentle wash. Infused with amino acids and Cica it will leave you feeling refreshed and balanced. It works seamlessly with LUNA™ 4 facial cleansing device, and these two will help you remove 99% of all the dirt and grime buildup in one minute. Let us know if you find anything faster and better than this trio. 

Anti-Aging Ingredients

To turn that frown upside down, learn about anti-aging skincare ingredients and incorporate them into your day. For example, retinoids have become a big deal. They stimulate collagen production in the skin, improving texture, reduced fine lines, and a generally more perky and youthful appearance. Peptides also play a key role by helping patch up damage and promote collagen regeneration, which enhances skin firmness and elasticity. The star of the show, hyaluronic acid, is an expert in attracting moisture, helping the skin stay hydrated, plump, and smooth.

Sun Protection

We tend to think some things are trivial, especially if we keep hearing about them. Go Google some pictures of photoaging and sun damage. Sun protection is one of those ever-present mantras that we sort of know are true but often choose to ignore on lazy days. Any anti-aging lifestyle and a skincare routine focused on prevention needs a good SPF. Daily use of SPF reduces the risk of developing wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and even skin cancer. Sunscreen should be applied every morning, regardless of the weather, as UV rays can penetrate through clouds. SPF is not a quick fix. It is the cumulative power of protection against deterioration. Consistent sun protection helps preserve the skin’s youthful appearance and prevents further damage over time, making it essential for long-term skin health.

Medical and Technological Advances in Aging Reversal

Cutting-edge research on how to reverse aging is focused on innovative treatments aimed at cellular damage. In addition to the minimally invasive beauty treatments science has provided us with, such as PRP, chemical peels, or micro-needling, a promising area of more advanced anti-aging tech is senolytics. It uses compounds designed to target and eliminate senescent (old and frail) cells that have stopped dividing and just accumulate with age, gunking up the system and contributing to inflammation and tissue degradation. By clearing these "aging" cells, senolytics may help rejuvenate tissues and slow down aging. Isn’t this an exciting process? It’s like autophagy, but with no starving. Another area of focus is telomere extension therapies, and stem cell therapies.

A dark futuristic closeup of faces with data and technology overlayed over

Regenerative Medicine and Personalized Health to Reverse Aging

Regenerative medicine is paving the way for reversing biological age by addressing the root causes of cellular damage. Through advances in stem cell treatments, scientists are developing ways to regenerate tissues and organs, providing the potential pathway to restore youthful appearance and vitality. Even deeper than cellular interventions lie gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, allowing for precise modifications to genes associated with aging and age-related diseases, promising a very different future, not bound by the genetic roulettes we’re doomed to currently.


Can an anti-aging lifestyle mean you’ll be 80, playing tennis? Yes, why not? Our expectations now are shaped and molded by what we’ve seen in our parents and grandparents. Still, the world is offering ever more answers on how to reverse aging as technologies emerge to complement lifestyle choices. From advanced regenerative therapies like stem cell treatments to everyday common sense habits like a nutrient-rich diet and exercise, we now have more tools at our disposal to support the body’s natural ability to stay youthful than ever before in the history of our species. We all want younger-looking skin, but this will come as collateral of a healthy anti-aging lifestyle, which will do more for the skin from the inside than lathering topicals could ever do.

By targeting the cellular damage that accumulates with age via outside intervention or internal mechanisms such as nutrition, we can help slow the biological clock and maintain vitality. While the road to reliable tech on spectacularly reversing aging may still be a work in progress, the combination of innovative medical interventions and practical self-care routines offers promising solutions for extending both lifespan and health span, which we’ll agree is equally essential, as no one wants to spend their last years wasting away, not able to live to the fullest. The most exciting part? We all have the power to make choices today that contribute to a longer, healthier, and more vibrant future.



MYSA user avatar
neon.ghost.v2 25/12/2024

Love how this doesn't just push products but explains WHY things work! That mitochondria explanation finally helped me understand why we need antioxidants. Also super interesting about the omega ratios - definitely checking my diet now!

MYSA user avatar
Dora 16/01/2025

In reply to by Anonymous


Hi there,

Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! We’re so glad the explanations helped clarify how things work—understanding the science behind skincare really makes a difference. It’s great that you're also looking at your diet to optimize your results!

If you ever need more info or have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Best wishes!

MYSA user avatar
traumallama 25/12/2024

Me reading about intermittent fasting while eating my 3rd midnight snack. But also love how they explained everything without making it feel overwhelming. The 'naked carbs' explanation finally made it click for my smooth brain!

MYSA user avatar
Dora 16/01/2025

In reply to by Anonymous


Hi there,

Thanks for sharing the laugh! We totally get how those midnight snacks sneak up on us, but we’re so glad to hear that the explanations made everything easier to understand. It’s great that the "naked carbs" concept finally clicked for you—that's a huge win!

If you ever want to dive deeper or chat more, we’re always here for you.



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