3 min read

How To Shop For Anyone

Top tips to guarantee they’ll LOVE their presents.
The holiday season is now in full swing, and as we inch closer and closer to Christmas day, we notice that our panic level also increases exponentially. How are we supposed to shop for every single relative and their kids, dogs, etc.? Firstly, take a deep breath and try to relax, because we’ve got the perfect recipe for how to shop for anyone on your list. These tips will not only help you come up with ideas, but they will also guarantee your loved one will be obsessed with what you picked out.

Look To The Past

An easy way to choose a good gift is to look at the history between you and your giftee. Perhaps you guys went on a memorable trip together, or recently watched a funny film together. Maybe they helped you when you were in a pinch, or provided a listening ear and advice when you needed them. Try to think of ways in which the person has touched your life and tie that back in with something that reminds you of them. By tugging on those heartstrings, there might even be happy tears as they open your gift!

Ask Yourself What The Person Needs

Is your mom’s French press running a little low on steam? Or is your dad’s toolkit looking a little worse for wear? Sometimes the easiest answer is right in front of you. Look to what your recipient truly needs in their life—something that will make their life a little bit easier. Have they been eyeing an upgraded version of a frequently used item? I’m sure they’d happily replace their older item for something brand spankin’ new from a person they love.
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(Image source: unsplash.com)

Make It An Experience

Gift giving is almost like a message that you’re sending to your receiver, so think about what you want to convey to your loved one when they open the present. They all say the best memories come from experiences, not things, so why not gift them the invaluable memory of an adventure? Maybe your special someone has never been to one of the famous landmarks in your city, or what about that rooftop restaurant that your parents have always wanted to check out? A great way to find deals is to check out Groupon or Gilt City for some amazing travel deals or adventure packages, so you can save big and give big.  

Don’t Worry About Doubling Up

Now this doesn’t mean getting them a completely generic gift. This means that it’s OK to get two people the same gift. Hear us out––we understand the feeling of scrambling as you scour the mall to buy gifts for the 12 different people on your list. But when doing so, you probably end up choosing 12 different presents for each of those people because you want to individualize each gift. But in reality, it’s totally OK to get both your mom and aunt the same skin care set! As much as we’d like our gifts to be special and completely unique, the answer is often simple, and sometimes, the same.
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(Image source: burkatron.com)

Include A Little Bit Of Yourself

Lastly, we all know that nothing is more special than a personalized gift, but we’re not talking about the cheesy trinkets from the Things Remembered store at the mall. We mean creating a piece of art or even knitting a scarf if you’re feeling crafty. Knowing that you took the time to physically make something will have them feeling eternally grateful and extra special. Combine this with one of the suggestions above for an ultra-personalized surprise.

Still stumped? Head on over to FOREO’s holiday boutique and shop ready-to-gift sets and devices for everyone on your list!

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