2 min read

A Step by Step Guide to Stopping Razor Burn Before it Happens

men with the beard holding shaving blade on the face

Is splashing cold water on your face and having a quick shave your idea of a morning routine? As easy as this is, it usually isn’t enough to prevent razor burn. But what most of us don’t realize is that you don’t even have to spend an excessive amount of time trying to avoid this nuisance - adding just a few minutes before, during and after your shaving routine is often enough to keep razor burn away.

Pre-Shaving Prep


Before shaving, you need to make sure your face is free of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. Use a mild face wash to cleanse the skin without stripping away protective oils, and under no circumstances should you ever use your regular body-washing bar soap - it’s much too drying.


The best way to get rid of dead skin cells and bring out ingrown hairs is by exfoliating with a facial scrub or exfoliation tools. Ideally, this should be done every time before you shave, but most men find facial scrubs and exfoliating tools overly harsh to use too often. The LUNA™ for MEN, however, is gentle enough to use every day - it removes dead skin cells while preserving the skin’s natural moisture barrier. It fits seamlessly into your existing cleansing routine, saving you time.

Soften the Hair

Nope, we aren't asking you to dip into your partner's extra special (and ludicrously expensive) conditioner. All you have to do is wet your face with warm water right before you shave thoroughly. This is best done in the shower, or you can splash your face over the sink a few times. The key is to make sure your facial hair is thoroughly wet, as it will absorb up to 30% of its moisture in volume. This makes hair weaker, softer, and easier to cut.


Use a shaving cream that is high in lubricants and moisturizers with a rich, creamy lather, so your razor can glide effortlessly over the contours of your face. The best shaving creams keep hair soft and upright in a position prime for cutting, while creating a barrier between the razor and the skin. Applying shaving cream with a shaving brush instead of your hands provides better coverage and helps to lift hair for easier cutting. Plus, you'll feel extra fancy.

While You’re Shaving

  • Use a high-quality, sharp razor
  • Apply gentle, short strokes without using too much pressure
  • Shave with the grain to avoid causing friction
  • Rinse the blade after every stroke to keep hair from sticking to the blade
  • Avoid passing over the same area more than once

Post-Shaving Procedures


Make sure to rinse your face with cool water when you have finished shaving. Cool water will help to soothe and refresh skin, as well as cause your blood vessels to constrict, so if you have any small nicks, blood flow will slow and clot, reducing redness. Then, gently pat dry with a clean towel rather than rubbing.


Aftershaves are specially formulated to replace the moisture lost from shaving, soothe the skin, and cool and refresh the face. But some men find that aftershaves actually add to the irritation - if this is the case, try applying a shaving balm or cortisone cream, which can reduce itching and redness.

Maintain Your Razor

After all of this, it is vital to clean and completely dry off your razor to keep it from dulling and rusting. Rust that forms along the edge of razors can snag on the skin, forming tiny cuts that produce redness and irritation. Making sure your blade remains sharp and rust-free will ensure a smoother, more comfortable shave the next time around.

Worthwhile Payoff

For those of you who think all of these steps sound like too much hassle, remember, they actually add only minutes to your shaving routine - and spending a little extra time while shaving definitely beats walking around with a red, rashy face - fortunately, we have the solution for that too.



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ahsan khan 04/03/2021

whenever I shave I always have a shadow. I am a 14 year old male with a small beard and I hate it. No one else in my class has it. I have a razor shaver and whenever I try shaving i always feel little follicles of hair, and the shadow, and I have to put extra pressure as an attempt to remove the hair which causes the razor burn. Please help me. I hate my beard shadow and razor burn.

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carly 05/03/2021

In reply to by ahsan khan


Hi Ahsan :) Don't give up, you just need to perfect your technique. Heat and moisture will help soften the follicles and open your pores. Try shaving in a hot shower or leave a hot washcloth on your face for y couple of minutes before shaving. Use a moisturizing shaving cream, gel or lotion so your razor won't drag and cause burns. It is important to go over your face in as little times as possible, so use a sharp razor and take long strokes. I suggest shaving with the grain for one or two strokes and then against (shaving against cuts it closer, but may irritate your skin so you do it last). Rinse with cold water, pat with a dry towel and apply aftershave (without alcohol) and you are good to go! Let me know if this helped :D


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