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Building Confidence by Ling Tang

Ling Tang
Make up artist extraordinaire Ling Tang shares the story of her journey to confidence.   I remember waking up one day and thinking ‘why do I care so much what people think of me?’ Once I started listening to my own answers, I realized it was time to be confident in my own skin. I try to remind myself daily that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it. Over the past 10 years, I have tried to be my own best friend (a tip from my brother, he taught me this when I was going through friendship breakups and didn’t understand relationships) and I’m still trying after all these years. The reason I’m bringing up this idea is that it’s one of the factors when building confidence. Once you can tell yourself you should let go of certain relationships or insecurities, you start to feel mentally lighter. And then you start to take care of yourself, which is something we all don’t do enough. Here are my own tips on how you can be confident when you feel like nothing is going right.

Be honest with yourself

Have you ever struggled with going to the gym and keeping up with it? I was honest with myself and potentially so were you. If you can ask yourself daily, in a self-loving way (because it is easy to beat yourself up), what you really want in life, you will start to have control. I believe that people who know what they want in life start to build confidence.

Tell yourself you CAN do it

My favorite quote that I learned growing up:
“The beginning is always the hardest, but once you do it again, and again, and again, it gets easier.”
I took this quote so personally because it puts everything into perspective. I tell myself daily that yes, the beginning may be difficult, but never give up too easily, life is always about fighting. I must say, achieving feels more than amazing. So get up, speak up to yourself every day, you CAN DO IT. I don’t know what your goal is and I don’t know who you are, but I do know that you have the capability to have a powerful mindset if you switch it on. Don’t be afraid to do it.  Ling Tang

Create a journal, for you

This year I started a journal where I write down my goals. On every single page I also write a quote to kindly remind myself that I deserve to be happy. There are many reasons why it’s so good to have a journal:
  • You can write down your short and long-term goals. Have it personalized so you can tell yourself how it’s important to love yourself - always a bonus because you’ll start to enjoy achieving your goals.
  • It’s great “me time”. We can get lost in this world as there are so many social media platforms and Netflix always adding new series, but spending time on your journal where it’s nothing but you is a pleasurable way to enhance your mindset. If you get a journal tomorrow name it “Book of Goals to achieve”, and immediately you will start thinking and feeling liberated from negativity.
  • Keeps you on track. Your journal will help you remind yourself of the little things you enjoy when you’re feeling low or high, so always remember that your journal is your best friend. 
These are some of my own personal tips when it comes to building confidence, I hope these tips or at least one, can help you become fearless. Remember, be your own best friend.  Ling x



MYSA user avatar
hiwa 03/02/2021

it is truly amazing
i read this with patient and love
hope you'll go ahead in your life and make tones of success

MYSA user avatar
carly 15/02/2021

In reply to by hiwa


Thank you for your kind words and we glad you like our post :)


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