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Take a Quiz: What Is Your Love Color?

Various hands holding a pink heart

Love is… All you need. And there are as many ways to express it as there are colors in the spectrum. Find out what is your love color and get a 10% discount on FOREO products in the color of your love!

Six styles of love

All loves are equally valid and special. And because love is so special, unique, important, and interesting, it is a field of interest to many artists, writers, but also many scientists and psychologists. There are many different love theories, but the one that includes colors is one of the most famous. The color wheel theory of love is an idea created by Canadian psychologist John Alan Lee that describes six styles of love that are dived into the primary, secondary, and tertiary types of love.

Primary types of love

  • Eros – romantic and passionate love
  • Ludus – game-playing love
  • Storge – friendship love

Secondary types of love

  • Mania – possessive love
  • Pragma – practical love
  • Agape – altruistic love

Tertiary types of love

These types of love are actually a combo of the first two styles.

  • Maniac eros
  • Maniac ludus
  • Maniac storge
  • Agapic eros
  • Agapic ludus
  • Agapic storge
  • Pragmatic eros
  • Pragmatic ludus
  • Pragmatic storge

[caption id="attachment_10964" align="alignnone" width="1200"]FOREO Valentine's day colors of love FOREO believes that love comes in all shapes and colors.[/caption]

What does FOREO have to do with the wheel theory of love?

As you already know, FOREO is open-minded. We celebrate individuality, diversity, and inclusiveness. Therefore, believing in body positivity and skin positivity while striving for equality is our modus vivendi. Everyone is welcome to be what they want to be, no matter whom they love.  Valentine’s Day is around the corner and we were inspired by love more than usual which is why we have prepared a super funky quiz for you. Not only you will find out what is your unique love style, but you will also get a 10% discount code that is added on top of already discounted products on foreo.com. You can use it from the 1st of February until the 17th of February All you have to do is to take a quiz and find out what is your love color.

Take the quiz



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